
The Dollar ReDe$ign Project was conceived by Richard Smith, a creative strategy consultant, in the spring of 2009 during the height of the US recession. Believing rebranding the US currency would help stimulate the American economy, the Dollar ReDe$ign Project staged a series of competitions asking all and everyone to submit their ideas. For many Americans the idea was anti-constitutional, however for many others it was seen as a realistic light at the end of a very dark tunnel. It also got the world media very excited and many notable news outlets ran stories covering the project’s intent, including, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine, Stern magazine, the Financial Times as well as Fox Business News.


At this time we have no active competitions but we would still like to receive submission, which you can email to us here.

Note: All submissions should be single jpgs of each denomination, each 72dpi and 600px wide max, please. Please also include a 50 word explanation of your inspiration and design rationale, as well as a brief one line bio specifying your name, geographic location, and your current occupation.